Life According to Asa
Asa requested his own page so that he could share important things
going on in school, Scouts, and life in general. This content is
his and his alone, although we may help with spelling and whatnot from
time to time...
5-5-07:Today I went to a scout day trip today.It was a lot of fun,but I don't have any pictures.There were tracking,b-b gun practice,archery,feather ball,dough cooking,and other things.The campsite was somewhere in Antwerp.
Signing off,
20-5-07:I went on a field trip to Parc Paradisio on the 15th. I saw
lots of different kinds of animals,like bats,birds,and baby animals.We
also saw monkeys,walabies,
sharks.There was a gift shop(I got a fake,furry snake there.)and there
were a lot of things to buy.Now,time for scout news.Next month I will
move up from bear to weblo-one!There will also be a scout camping trip
next month too :).We also have some baby sea monkeys(Yes,they are
real.),but we can bareley see them.My soccer team has won most of the
games that we've played in.We've even beaten a team that was undefeated
last year!I'm having a great time in Belgium.I have a lot of friends
here and the school is very good.
Until next time,
P.S. Here are some pictures of me playing soccer.
