We begin our goodbyes with a lunch with our friends the Crooks on 30 Apr 06...which happens to also be Lexie's first birthday!!
Miss Marla &
Lexie Happy
Kirya, &
13 May 06--What a day! We started the day like any
other...cleaning, packing, prepping to leave...Crockett convinced us to
let his friend Jourdan and their family take him to his last karate
tournament of the year (which seemed like a great idea since it would
free up some much needed time for us to pack!). OF COURSE, the
one tournament that we don't attend for either of the boys is the one
where one of them wins first place!! Jourdan's mom, Nancy, was
nice enought to take some pictures and let Crockett call to tell us the
good news! Later that day,we made the trip up I35 to Buda to have
dinner with Owen,
Angela, and Katey Wheeler, Clay's best friend since kindergarten...the
kids had a great time after a relaxed dinner at Bill Miller's BBQ.

Asa, Katey, Lexie, and Crockett after dinner.
On 17 May 06, Johnna's office gave her a farewell breakfast at
a local Hill Country Resort. A breakfast buffet was a great way
to start the day and a great way to say goodbye to some good friends...
On 20 May 06, a portion of the Hayes family gathered in
Schulenburg TX at Frank's Restaurant to say good-bye, congratulate
all school age Hayes grandkids on a successful school year
(every year as covered except 5th and 11th), and give Crockett a
special family surprise birthday cake since he will be en route on his
birthday. MeMe and PaPa gave us a few farewell gifts; we gave
hugs and then said farewell.
Clay and MeMe chat while she prepares Crockett's birthday surprise.
25 May 06--After a hectic day working to tie up
loose ends, we had an entertaining dinner at the Scenic Loop Cafe
with our friends John and Mary Whisenhunt. It is a relaxing
restaurant with an outdoor dining terrace and a great playground for
the kids once dinner is over. We highly recommend it...http://www.scenicloopcafe.com
26 May 06--As a surprise on their last day of
school, Clay planned a special mission for the boys. They woke up
at 0545, got dressed and loaded into the van. They drove to the
"rendezvous point" where they picked up their friend Jourdan, who was
also very sleepy and surprised. From there, the team
carried out the main part of their mission...a no-notice breakfast trip
to IHOP! Jourdan and Asa have been friends since the first day of
kindergarten and have eaten breakfast together at school every day
since...Clay thought it would be really nice to have one last
ceremonial breakfast before school that all the boys would remember!
Crockett, Asa, & Jourdan
26 May 06--Since Crockett and Asa had to miss the
last week of school, which meant Crockett would miss his Kindergarten
completion ceremony, Mrs. Schneider (Crockett's teacher), Mrs. Franks
(Music), Mrs. Ritchie (Art), Mr. Lewis (Asa's 1st grade teacher), Mrs.
Solis (vice principal), and Mrs. Dahlquist (principal) made his
last day special with a "dress rehearsal" allowing him to get his
diploma. The kindegarteners sang, Mrs. Dahlquist said ho proud
she was of everyone, and as a special surprise, the kindergarteners
added "We love you Crockett" into the words of one of the songs.
Both Mrs Schneider and Mrs Foster (Asa's teacher) put together memory
books for the boys with pictures and notes from their classmates...We
will miss our friends at Big Country.
A taste of kindergarten...
We love Nurse
Asa and Crockett on their last day of school
29 May 06--Although our plans have changed since
our passports didn't arrive on schedule, the delay was a great chance
to spend Memorial Day with David and Jessica Hooten. Without Dave
and Jess, I'm not sure we would have survived the last month, not to
mention the last two years. They are true friends.
3 Jun 06--While we're in a holding pattern for
the passports still, that doesn't mean things are dull. After a
somewhat low key, relaxing day, Lexie and the boys were quietly
watching TV (no, really, they were...). However, the quiet was
not to last...while getting down off of the bed, Lexie slipped sideways
and fell. After seven fabulous hours in the emergency room, we
left with Lexie in a hard splint with a diagnosis of distal radial
buckle fracture and a Salter Harris 2 fracture.
4 Jun 06--Taking advantage of the fact we are
still in San Antonio, we got to have lunch with MeMe and PaPa who were
visiting Jeff and his family in Bandera. They were also in town
to attend a recognition ceremony for Taylor (Jeff's daughter) who is
part of the TIP program (she took the SAT as a 7th grader and did very
well). It was nice to be able to see them one final time (maybe)
before we leave.

Good times at CiCi's Pizza.

MeMe and PaPa with Crockett and Asa
5 Jun 06--After a dose of Tylenol 3 (which made
her stumble around like a drunken sailor), we took Lexie in for her
orthopedic consult followup. They put her in a full arm hard cast
that will stay on for 3 weeks--who knows where we'll be when its time
to remove it!!

Bedtime on our first night with a cast...we need new jammies that fit over it!
We also found that the admin section here has
positive control of 3 of our passports! Crockett's is still
missing, but we're on the right track. It should only be a day or
two now...
8 Jun 06-- Crockett's passport came in yesterday
so we are now making final preparations to travel. We'll be
leaving very early Saturday morning. However, today was another
day of fun and adventure! Clay took the boys on an additional secret
mission--this time to Natural Bridge Caverns just outside New Braunfels
TX. It is a natural limestone cave formation first explored in
1960. The caves stay at a constant temperature and humidity (70
degrees and 99 percent)--so it was a good activity for a day where the
high is projected to be between 99 and 101 degrees!! The boys
enjoyed it and when asked what they learned, "Cavern water tastes
good!"...not sure why they know that...

Crockett and Asa excited to hike through the caves with Dad.

The namesake "natural bridge" of Natural Bridge Caverns.
Jun 06--HAPPY BIRTHDAY CROCKETT!!! What a day! After
outprocessing and the final "you've got to be kidding me" moment (driving to the other side of town because Asa's medical
records for some reason apparently migrated there?!?!), we headed
downtown for Crockett's birthday celebration. We visited the
Alamo where the boys participated in a scavenger hunt that took us
through every section of the grounds. They had a good time
looking for things like Davey Crockett's vest, various flags, a Mexican
uniform, and the Alamo Well. Crockett got a big helping of
history on his namesake--and found that Davey Crockett even rated his
own fountain near what is now the library! We took a quick detour
out the back gate in the middle of the scavenger hunt and visited the
historic Crockett Hotel. After returning to the Alamo grounds,
the boys completed their hunts and got the "offical" Alamo stamp
declaring them successful. Clay also chatted with the tour guides and
ended up signing a book they keep behind the desk of visitors who have
family members who fought at the Alamo (John Hays of Tennessee).

Crockett, Asa, Clay & Lexie getting ready to visit the Alamo.
scavenger hunt at the Alamo.
The Crockett fountain.
day continued with a special visit to the Davey Crockett adventure
"ride" and then the Guiness Book of World Records exhibit. It was
really expensive, only marginally worth the money, but the boys enjoyed
it and we got a few funny pictures of Clay and Lexie at the "Fattest
Man in the World" exhibit...

Crockett poses beside the original Disney classic film poster.

the attractions, we went down to the Riverwalk and had dinner at the
Rainforest Cafe with David and Jessica Hooten (after an hour wait
during which Miss Jess and Mr Dave introduced Lexie and the boys to the
baby ducks in the river). After "rainstorms" every 30 minutes,
gorillas rumbling in the bushes behind our table, and flashing souvenir
cups, we treated Crockett to a VOLCANO at the end of the meal--the
sparkler on the top of the cake & ice cream was a fitting end to
the meal, the evening, and indeed the entire day.

Miss Jess & the kids look at the ducks.
It was a full moon, a clear night, and we had a great evening. This was one of the last things we saw as we drove away...

Jun 06--The final preparations to leave...we did the final packing,
packed the car, had a special lunch with Dave, Jess, Christi, and Tim,
and then took a quick look at Dave and Jess' new house...then off to
bed to get ready to drive away!

Jun 06 -- We're signing out and driving away within the
hour...this is the last entry in this tab. Check "Our Travels"
for future pictures and stories...